Psycho-spiritual Implications

Jim Fournier
December 23, 1999

The psycho-spiritual implications of this model might suggest that history is engaged in a lunge through the neck of the hour glass at the choke point of the millennium. This point is like the opening at the center of a torus folding through itself - like a cosmic sphincter in time, like the cervix at the moment of birth. Thus, from this perspective the Earth, and time itself, is at once our mother and our own collective being born to each other as one. As we are the Earth being born to itself, just as we are God being born to its own greater self-manifestation. In that sense in the deepest realization one might conclude that we are but Mind engaged in the act of coming to better know how to most gracefully manifest itself.

Yet this process of self-realization, of birth an spiritual rebirth, is achieved always only through an experience of death at the most visceral and elemental level. So too with this our collective traversal of the point of inflection of the curve of the sweep of history. This curve may be seen in a vertical cross section of the neck of the hour glass at the heart of the torus, approaching from below on the left, crossing over at the center point to emerge from the top right. This central point of transformation is itself the neck of the birth canal of history as the rate of change turns vertical. From this point forward the velocity of change will continue to be very high, but imperceptibly decelerate, as the realization of where we are going makes us suddenly realize how, with only relatively minor adjustments, we could suddenly already be going to toward a state of greater stability very quickly.

Once the population realized that we were in fact headed toward a state of greater stability, everyone would voluntarily move faster in that direction, yet at the same time slow down, as we realized that we were in fact already going there very quickly, and did not need to kill ourselves, or each other, anymore as we were already going home.

If one imagines that humanity has already achieved a state of where we can look back and see that all of history was an inevitable and necessary process of oscillation leading to the necessary velocity to make the vertical lunge in time to achieve Meta-Nature, then one would also come naturally to a position wherein one could not only forgive people for their actions at all stages of history, but even honor them as essential players in unfolding the drama leading to the inevitable transcendent solution to the puzzle of the full manifestation of awareness in matter.

Thus, it may be very important for us to put things in perspective at this point in our history and realize where we are on this great sweep of inevitable evolution in chemistry. To see that there are only so many pieces in the puzzle. We have turned them all face up, and can now see how they fit together well enough to recognize that there are fundamental chemical solutions in nature, which nature figured out millions of years ago and basically has not been able to improve upon ever since. It has instead continued to reuse them in ever changing permutations and ever more complex systems, but always based upon the same fundamental biochemical solutions which it devised millions of years ago. In that sense nature does represent a stable base line of unchanging design coherence and perfection with respect to humanity over the time span of human history and prehistory. Nature may be represented as essentially an unchanging flat horizontal base line out of which the slowly ascending curve of human novelty emerges.